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Limited in-stock tents and frames available immediately, approximately 4-5 week lead times

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Glamping Tents

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Today’s campers are looking for experiences unlike any other, and Montana Canvas is here to help you deliver them. Our glamping tents are crafted from our propriety, extremely durable polyester-cotton blend that is treated to combat mold, mildew and fire. All Montana Canvas glamping tents are made USA and feature our signature craftsmanship and quality, including top flies designed of fire-retardant vinyl that are designed to extend the life of your tent.

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2022 Price Lists:

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Choose from our standard glamping tent designs or contact us to discuss custom modifications specific to your guest ranch, campground, or retreat.

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The Luxury Model Tent

Designed for comfort, style, and durability, our 12’ x 14’ Luxury Model tents are the perfect size for couples who love to get out in nature.

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The Suite Model Tent

For glampers with families or those looking for a more spacious glamping experience, our 14’ x 20’ Suite Model offers additional space for more furniture configurations.

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